Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day Four of Skinny Cow Challenge

Breakfast - boiled egg and two boiled egg whites
Lunch - part of my son's pizza from Costco, some Gouda cheese slices, and an assortment of random free samples at Costco
Snacks - half a Rhodes roll
Dinner - taco salad with beef, tomatoes, sour cream, pace salsa, black beans, and tons of lettuce with a skinny ice cream sandwich after

Weight - 132.5
Measurements - Forgot again

Exercise - lame ab work and arm work again, I really need to get to the gym and do some cardio

and yes, I forgot to post daily so I did all four days today.  I'll try to be more consistent going forward.  I hate working out at 11:43 but oh well, it is what it is.  DRATS!

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