Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Snacks I Always Have In the House

90% of being healthy is eating right!  To help encourage that, and because my husband and I are notorious for chowing down on any snacks we have at home, we try to keep the snacks to a minimum and since I'm always home, I try to keep healthy snacks around for those moments when I just need to munch on something and am not really hungry or I'm hungry, but need something with protein and not too damaging as dinner is quickly approaching.

That said, here are 12 snacks (all 100 calories or less per serving) that I aim to always have on hand, in no particular order, which are all great and helped me get back to pre-prego weight asap.

  1. Water - see my prior post, water is so important!
  2. Almonds - warning, these are jam packed with protein, more than a a handful is actually more calories than you need when just in need of a snack
  3. Raisins - need something sweet and quick?  Raisins!!
  4. Ritz crackers - these got me through most of my first trimester and are a good snack, not super healthy, but just enough to help curb your hunger a bit
  5. Bananas - easy fruit - you just peel it, no cutting!  no washing!
  6. Apples - easy fruit - you just wash it, no cutting necessary - and if so, I just cut four pieces around the core and avoid anything else (like peeling it)
  7. Dip - for veggie dipping, mine is homemade wannabe Cafe Rio dressing, you can get the recipe here, hummus will also do, but I didn't have it on hand- I usually have one or the other
  8. Carrots - helps you see, taste great with dip or hummus ...what's up Doc?!
  9. Celery - zero calories.. what?!  it takes you more energy to eat it than to burn it... so whatever you eat with it can have some calories.. like the dip!
  10. Dark chocolate - okay, so the raisins weren't doing it... dark chocolate is superior to all other chocolates so eat some (but not too much!) it's supposed to lower blood pressure because it's a potent antioxidant.  What does that mean?  All you have to know is that antioxidants get rid of destructive molecules that are associated with heart issues.  
  11. Light Yogurt - mmmm also helps with the sweet cravings and the pro-biotics in it help fight the yeastie beasties!
  12. Ice cream - we always have ice cream at home.  It's our go to for dessert and it's a healthy dairy item

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